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Esplanade I

Ambassade Edition
Edward Fields
Esplanade was designed in the 60s – 70s by William C Raiser while working at Arthur Elrod and Associates Interior Design firm. Esplanade is part of the Edward Fields rich archives and is introduced under the Ambassade Edition representing Abstract Safari: animal skins and organic textures. This design is expertly tufted by skilled artisans.
Design Details

William Raiser was a strong creative contributor to Arthur Elrod and Associates Interior Design firm, located in Palm Springs. Sadly, Elrod and his associate, William Raiser, died in a traffic accident in 1974.

Among the Edward Fields archives, there are two notable designs that Raiser collaborated on: Ebb Tide and Esplanade. Ebb Tide, created in the early 60s from a Photostat of a fingerprint, was cut into pieces and then reassembled. It was reintroduced under the Archive Edition and photographed by Julius Shulman in Cody House, Palm Springs. Another recent remarkable installation is a bespoke Ebb Tide at the iconic Garcia House by John Lautner in Los Angeles. Esplanade was designed in the 60s–70s, and reintroduced under the Ambassade Edition, it has an abstract safari style with Edward Fields' signature multi-level fibers.