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YT Embassy Court III

Yacht 2015 Collection
Edward Fields
The 2015 Yacht collection was inspired by the adventurous spirit of exploration that oceans have stirred since ancient times. Tai Ping's collection artfully combines shades of royal blue, indigo and turquoise with flashes of gold and silver to evoke vast expanses of water, sky and sunlight on the high seas. These patterns are complemented with motifs and decorative hand-drawn marine knots that pay homage to the mariners who have traversed those waters in pursuit of untold treasures.
Design Details

Marion Dorn was a textile designer primarily in the form of wall hangings, carpeting and rugs. Known for her significant contributions to modern British interiors and her sculpted carpets, she contributed to some of the best-known interiors of the time including the Savoy Hotel and the Queen Mary. Dorn served Edward Fields intermittently as creative director and is responsible for designing the carpet for the Diplomatic Reception Room at the White House during Kennedy’s presidency. Among Dorn's most notable Edward Fields creations are Embassy Court, Cavalcade, Corinth, Heiress, Tanegra, Palace Parquet and Sparta. Christine Boydell called Dorn 'The architect of floors' in a book dedicated to the designer.