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Stanley Wong

About anothermountainman

Stanley Wong, also known as anothermountainman, is a renowned Hong Kong contemporary artist and designer with over 600 awards. In 2020, Wong was named DFA World’s Outstanding Chinese Designer. Wong’s Red White Blue exhibition promoting the positive spirit of Hong Kong earned him international recognition since appearing at the 51st Venice Biennale in 2005.

With passion for photography, he also uses various forms of creative media to express his unique ideas and views on social issues.

“Hong Kong Walk On” – a collaboration between Tai Ping and Hong Kong cross-disciplinary artist anothermountainman - revives the iconic Red White Blue series that celebrates Hong Kong culture and the city’s identity in the art scene.

Featuring the one-of-a-kind 3-metre x 6-metre handmade masterpiece originally unveiled at Art Basel Hong Kong 2022, the Tai Ping x anothermountainman installation presents Hong Kong Walk On I, a nod to the iconic red, white and blue fabric in a scrunched up design. The piece is also visible during Milan Fuorisalone in April 2025, in Tai Ping Milan showroom.

Hong Kong Walk On

Hong Kong Walk On
anothermountainman │ Tai Ping

“Hong Kong Walk On” – a collaboration between Tai Ping and Hong Kong cross-disciplinary artist anothermountainman - revives the iconic Red White Blue series that celebrates Hong Kong culture and the city’s identity in the art scene.

Featuring the one-of-a-kind 3-metre x 6-metre handmade masterpiece originally unveiled at Art Basel Hong Kong 2022, the Tai Ping x anothermountainman installation presents Hong Kong Walk On I, a nod to the iconic red, white and blue fabric in a scrunched up design. The piece is also visible during Milan Fuorisalone in April 2025, in Tai Ping Milan showroom.

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